Cannabis Seeds FAQ - How Many Weed Seeds To Plant?

If you have ever wondered how many weed seeds to plant, look no further. One weed seed is all it takes to grow a plant. Even if you see weed plants that look like as if they were bushes, all it took was just one weed seed. Regardless of the apparent size of the weed plant, all growers know that only takes one weed seed to grow a plant. 

Now you know how many weed seeds to plant, but what are the consequences?

If you use more than one or many weed seeds to grow a plant, the weed plants will begin to compete against each other for nutrients, so the smallest weed plants in the pot (which sometimes may be the best phenotypes.) will get wiped out by the bigger weed plants.

If you are growing from regular weed seeds in your pot, they could also cross-pollinate resulting in flowers with weed seeds in them. It sounds simple enough but if the flowers have weed seeds inside them, their potency can be reduced up to 30%. Each weed seed is a weed plant and they need their own pot to grow and thrive, as well as to produce bigger and better flowers. Remember that more than one weed seed to plant is too many.

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